Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics
Collected slides of the lectures and seminars:
Monday 14 October 2013
- Alain Connes’ lecture: The spectral model
- Patrick Decowski: Dark matter
- Paul de Jong: New particle searches at the LHC
- Stan Bentvelsen: Higgs status and prospects at LHC
Tuesday 15 October 2013
- Walter van Suijlekom’s lecture: Inner perturbations in noncommutative geometry
- Igor Cherednikov: Structure of the Nucleon and Geometry of the Wilson Loop Space
Wednesday 16 October 2013
- Ali Chamseddine’s lecture: SM and Beyond in NCG
- Enrique Alvarez: Unimodular gravity
Thursday 17 October 2013
- Elisabetta Pallante: Particle Physics Phenomenology Today
- Fedele Lizzi: Grand Symmetry, Spectral Action and the Higgs Mass
- Christoph Stephan: Model Building in Almost-Commutative Geometry
Friday 18 October 2013
- Mairi Sakellariadou: Some physical implications of almost commutative manifolds
- John Barrett: Matrix Geometries
- Latham Boyle: From Almost–Commutative Geometry to Almost-Associative Geometry
- Shane Farnsworth: From almost-commutative to almost-associative geometries: Model Building