There are four PhD positions available as part of the FOM Research Program on “Quantum Gravity and the Search for Quantum Spacetime”, based at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. The program is aimed at understanding the quantum structure of spacetime by developing effective mathematical tools to define and measure quantum observables that describe its microstructure quantitatively. Applicants must have a university degree in (theoretical or mathematical) physics at masters level or equivalent and proven abilities in theoretical physics and mathematics, and should have worked in an area related to the themes of the network (nonperturbative quantum gravity, renormalization group methods, non-commutative geometry, lattice gravity). We offer good working conditions and in particular would like to encourage also female candidates to apply.
The research program is located at the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics (IMAPP) of the Radboud University, which provides an attractive and interdisciplinary working environment for foundational, front-line research. Successful applicants will work under the (co-)supervision of one or more of the senior researchers of the program, professors J. Ambjorn, R. Loll, F. Saueressig and W. van Suijlekom. Before applying, candidates should inform themselves about the research done by these individuals by consulting their websites and publications.
The PhD positions are for four years, which is the expected time for obtaining a doctoral degree in the Netherlands, and are subject to a review after one year. Applications should be sent electronically as a single pdf-file to R. Loll at the contact email address given here and consist of a cover letter, CV, transcripts of university grades and degrees, a statement of research interests and reasons for undertaking doctoral research in the research program, as well as the names of at least two senior scientists who are in a position to judge the applicant’s suitability for a PhD in this field.
A first screening and selection of applications will take place on July 31st, 2015. Later applications will be considered as long as positions remain vacant.